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Knowledge for Healthcare

The knowledge, network and constant exchange of the Thieme RECOM team with staff in the fields of medicine and nursing is the foundation for expanding our areas of expertise to a consulting partner for healthcare facilities. We are committed to supporting you on your journey towards the digitalization of healthcare.

  • Research & Development
  • Software Development
  • Specialist Publisher

Research & Development from a Single Source

Thieme RECOM is the contact for high quality and innovative digital products and services in healthcare. Common goal of the more than 40 employees is to optimize the daily work of all stakeholders in the international healthcare sector with digital tools as a professional and competent partner.

The foundation for this mission is sound scientific research. An important goal is the use of intelligent knowledge management systems to contribute to decision-making of stakeholders in healthcare. The main focus is on the digital, paperless implementation of clinical documentation and on communication between all occupational groups involved in the clinical process. This is based on research and publishing work, e.g. in the development of the terminology ENP (European Nursing care Pathways). Standardized professional languages also provide a basis for education of future nurses and their work.

In addition, Thieme RECOM advises and trains healthcare facilities and their software companies to expand or optimize already existing approaches to digitalization. The use of standardized nursing terminologies in facilities plays a significant role in ensuring barrier-free and cross-sector patient care. RECOM is part of the Thieme Group.

Products for the Practice

Current expertise linked and integrated in Thieme RECOM software solutions combines scientific progress with the daily requirements of professional practice.

We address the special needs arising from medicine, nursing and care of dependent people in order to optimize the processes for the respective sector.

Our strategic IT concepts for integration into existing infrastructures benefit from developments and the work with classification systems. The classifications developed as well as our software solutions are designed for the cross-sector use – with the aim of smooth data exchange between the various occupational groups.


Software Development

Thieme RECOM has addressed how to integrate current expertise in the field of nursing care into everyday practice and the workflows from the very beginning. The understanding that IT use in healthcare is highly complex and that it is not enough to consider each occupational group separately has always served as a guiding principle. Digitalization serves as the networking of structures and workflows that were previously considered separately.

Standardization and Classification

The importance of standards to make the implementation of a digital, interoperable and intersectoral way of working tangible has arrived in healthcare. For this purpose, the standardization of information as well as the use of terminologies/classifications must be further advanced.

People Are Our Benchmark

Our approach is to consistently use vocabulary, support healthcare stakeholders with “best-practice” information and the electronic illustration of workflow processes, not least to enable the best possible digital collaboration. This is always based on the premise that people and their treatment and care determine the digital processes. “Patient care” is our focus.

Cross-Sector Software

We are addressing the challenge that RECOM-GriPS has to bring professions together while not separating the healthcare sectors. All sectors have to be included in the information process to achieve efficient and safe treatment and care of patient and resident. Interdisciplinary, intersectoral, interoperable.

Fachverlag für Pflegeplanung, Pflegewissenschaft und Pflegediagnostik

Specialist Publisher for Nursing Planning, Nursing Science and Nursing Diagnostics

Based on our many years of experience in the field of specialist literature for medicine, nursing and health, our area of expertise has become increasingly specialized. For example, RECOM initially stood for education and training in nursing and medicine.  

Already Pioneering in the 80s

Numerous pioneering impulses for the development and professionalization of nursing professions have emerged from the area of training and continuing education. Furthermore, many lavishly produced textbooks for continuing medical education have been published.

The fact that nursing care should be planned and structured had already been demanded by RECOM in the 1980s with the work "Nursing Care Planning (Pflegeplanung)” by Fiechter/Meier. We´re also the only publishing house to initiate the discussion on nursing theories in the 1980s and to provide the first translations from the English-speaking area.

All Publications in the Online Shop

Our current program includes educational literature for the generalist nursing education and nursing classifications such as NANDA International and ENP (European Nursing care Pathways) for geriatric care and nursing.

As a specialist publisher with a focus on nursing science and nursing practice, today we are committed to ensuring the further professionalization of nursing and stimulate the discussion on the use and implementation of nursing diagnostics with our titles. RECOM is part of the Thieme Group.

You can find the current publications in our online shop.

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